Sunday, December 13, 2009

Happy Childhood! How to raise a child?

A child comes into the world without a past, without any plants, how to behave, no criteria for self-evaluation. He is forced to rely on the experience of people around, those reviews, they give him as a person. During the first five or six years, the baby forms of himself solely on the basis of the information that receives from the parents. Then he begins to attend school, walk alone in the yard, has already been influenced by other factors, however, the role of families in the process of establishing a child's self-image of the "I" is still very important.

Mother "message"

Newborn - perfection itself, the center of the universe. His life was originally harmonious. He asked what she wanted and what was really needed him. He freely expresses his emotions. When a baby is upset, know about it. When he is happy, his smile illuminates the world. He is full of love and can not bear her absence. He learns about himself mainly by the reaction of the mother. Her every word, facial expression, gesture, timbre, and volume of voice, touch and force him to carry the message of his self-worth. Time passes, and, alas, most of us no longer pay attention to what kind of meaning is contained in our mother's "message" to her child.

Four-year boy presents bouquet of daisies mother. She takes the flowers with the words: "Where you get them?". At the same time her bright smile, an enthusiastic tone say: "What wonderful flowers you brought me! Where grow such lovely daisies?" This reaction increases the mother's self-esteem of the child. But the situation may evolve differently. My mother would say: "Thank you" - and then adds: "You do not accidentally picked daisies on a nearby cottage?" The boy realizes that he is considered not able to make a worthy deed. Of course, such statements are unlikely to foster high self-esteem of the child.

When the boy left the room alone, explaining that he must do, then come and scold him, shout at him that he did not know how to play alone, the frightened child after such a "talk" with her mother to be or to sit quietly in corner, or inconsolable crying. It exists only these two variants of behavior. You never know what is really capable of this man.

If the boy to show that he should do, and at the same time say that you like, as he builds a fortress that he quick-witted boy, that here he was mistaken, that's okay, everything is reparable, that you are willing to help him - you do not even can imagine the potential of such a child!

Every kid just need to feel the most expensive for mom and dad man, thus they need the most good. To do this, parents should be constantly open, including the words to express his love for the child, frequently praising him for his successes, albeit very small.

I'm bad? ..

- Hey, thief, get away from our entrance with his ball! - Pavlik, an elderly woman shouted from the window of the first floor.

- He's such a slut, such unassembled! - Says mother Pavlik in the presence of a neighbor.

- I am the son of calm. This man is growing - boasts dad before the guests, stroking the head of Pavlik.

Here's a sketch of the six-year man was painted just a few hours a day.

The surrounding people are often contradictory evaluate the child, his deeds, traits and properties of nature. Gradually the many sometimes contradictory portrait of the characteristics, which begins to believe himself the "original". It is clear that the best option - it is an objective self-evaluation of the child.

One child misses a deaf ear to all the negative reviews and hears only positive, so that he finds confidence in itself. Another is able to separate the authentic from the false, and therefore makes the right conclusions, soberly assessing its advantages and disadvantages. And third, by their nature uncertain, or for other reasons, perceives a negative opinion of themselves.

"Chronic" indifference to the child or stiff criticism of his actions contributed to the fact that he grows a man, useless, helpless or permanently will be punished. The inner potential of the child remains unsolved. He has a high risk of destructive behavior toward himself or to the people around them. A child with low self-esteem, if anything, and is making, then do not regard this as a success and are still undecided. For him, enough for one little mistake, to cancel out all previous gains. He is often angry or bitter. The child begins to perceive themselves and the world negatively. "I'm bad. I do not know how to do it right. It's all my fault ..." - Are some of his daily thoughts. But such reasoning is able to create the destiny of man, consisting of some frustration.

Necessary measure of praise

Everyone knows that praise - an excellent tool to encourage the child to a commendable action. But no, no and will not be such a child who is worthy only of censure or praise.

Imagine that the girl sitting at the table and enthusiastically paints a fairy-tale princess. She asked her mother, busy in the kitchen, to evaluate its work. First choice: a woman, not looking at the picture begins to enthusiastically praise her daughter: "Fine!" It drew a cool thou we have a real artist! " The second option: a mother reluctantly comes to the child and with irritation in his voice said: "Well, what are you painted? Awful something!" The third option: a mother sits beside the girl and look carefully at the picture: "I really like your princess! Perhaps shoes brightly dismantling? Let her long hair done.

Some parents inspire a child that he always does everything right and good. They enthusiastically admired his mediocre abilities, they boast in his presence in front of friends, do not hesitate to take his side when he was with someone quarreled. Adults do not tend to ensure that their child has been successful in life. They behave as if he had already reached them. Child grows up a broken man, with an overestimation of themselves.

It is the opposite, but in the same way as negative attitudes of parents is manifested in their neurotically hysterical attitude towards the child. As a result of this attitude, he is accustomed to believe that nothing good is not represented, and therefore not commendable by others.

Small man can feel and understand, like whether it, enjoy it to him, whether to include him with respect. However, few speak to the child that his love, from this he does not appear positive self-esteem. Feeling of self-worth must be based on tangible results in specific cases. Child must feel good, proper, decent, honest man. To keep it that feeling, you need to acquaint him with the system of universal values, ethical rules, skills and abilities, which he could have been successfully applied in practice. Reasonable and considerate parents should let him know and feel that it can affect their lives and achieve success.

The basis of success in life

Who does not want his child to be happy! And happiness is largely dependent on how the person "programmed" in early childhood. The basis of a successful life scenario - a true self-esteem of the child, the most important regulator of its future behavior and relationships with people. Self-esteem, as self-esteem, their identity, is far from self-conceit and complacency. Of all the words with the initial element of "self" self-esteem is closest to the self-esteem.

Typically, people with high self-esteem does not know how to get along with others, no matter their sympathy for themselves, becoming withdrawn and lonely. Few who have a desire to forge contacts and make friends with him. Perhaps he was too sure of himself, his unreasonable demands on people, not developed emotional responsiveness. Communication with such a man no one brings satisfaction and pleasure. And usually this is too self-satisfied man, not able to establish good and equal relations with even the closest people, is unhappy.

In the same degree tend to be disadvantaged and people with low self-esteem. All his sufferings, problems, and sometimes unacceptable ruined life - is the result of inadequate self-esteem. He was unable to time nor understand, nor alter the relationship to itself, and the parents did not help him correctly evaluate themselves, their positive qualities and find a worthy place among the people.

Happy people - is one that a child can objectively evaluate their strengths and weaknesses, the limit of the possible, its achievements and failures, critically analyze them and find ways for self-improvement. He lives in harmony with its "I" that does not prevent him interact with others. It is easier to tolerate trouble, because quite confident and can always count on someone's help, which gratefully accepts.

Fortunately all of us, the little man is never too late to overestimate themselves and get an objective self-esteem. Parents have a boundless love, power and capabilities to help him in this. They are required to maximize the social development of its own "I" of their child. It is they who have the responsibility to "invest" in your child's sense of self-worth and self-esteem.
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Friday, December 11, 2009

International Conference on HIV / AIDS held in 2012 in the U.S.

International Conference on HIV / AIDS held in 2012 in the United States. U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (Hillary Clinton) has announced this in Washington celebrated the eve of the December 1 World AIDS Day. According to her, in the upcoming forum will be attended by some 30 thousand doctors, scientists, political leaders, activists, NGOs and other stakeholders.

Head of U.S. diplomacy said that the organization of the conference will be possible, due to the abolition of long-standing ban on entry to the U.S. people with HIV. According to the Clinton's new rules come into force at the beginning of next year "- is clear evidence of changes that have occurred in U.S. policy in this direction with the current Democratic administration of Barack Obama (Barack Obama). "Our investment in the fight against the pandemic around the world - in America's interest", - stressed Clinton.

Interestingly, that Secretary of State found the kind words and addressed to the former Republican president George W. Bush (George W. Bush). In her view, he showed "a serious commitment to American leadership in the fight against AIDS. According to Clinton, largely thanks to the developing world over the past 5 years is 10 times improved access to drugs against HIV, and the number of new HIV infections over the past 8 years has decreased by 17%.

However, the leading U.S. infectious diseases in anticipation AIDS Day emphasized that if the situation with the spread of the pandemic in the world and stabilized, then at an unacceptably high level.